Arvioitu kesto

1 h 40 min.


Taideyliopiston Sibelius-Akatemia

Students of composition, dramaturgy and playwriting, singing and stage directing will create 20-minute operas

The Opera as a Multi-Artistic Collaboration -course is being held for the second time this academic year at the University of the Arts. Students of composition, dramaturgy and playwriting, singing and stage directing will create 20-minute operas.

Three working groups will present their work-in-progress operas:

Piggy Sparkle is an anarchic and posthumanistic fable about motherhood and homesickness.

1994 San Marino Grand Prix is a high-octane tragedy. Through the focal point of Ayrton Senna’s deadly F1 crash, concepts of sainthood, speed and spectacle are put into play.

Margaritifera, margaritifera is a dark and beautiful tale of clams and humans.


Composition students:

  • Ján Števuliak, Niki Main, Yuto Obata

Dramaturgy and playwriting students:

  • Peppi Toivola and Sara Koiranen, Mimmi Ahonen and Kasimir Koski, Minne Mäki and Fabian Silén

Stage directing students:

  • Bálint Barcsai, Ikenna Anyabuike, Kirmo Komulainen, Antti Silvennoinen, Gua Khee Chong, Ismael Peura

Vocal arts students:

  • Adelia Spångberg, Maja Burggraaff, Wille Enckell, Gabriel Kivivuori Sereno, Kharissa Newbill Adames, Niki Main

The course is taught by Riikka Talvitie, Martina Roos ja Saana Lavaste.

Further information: Janne Ikäheimo,

Changes are possible.