Broadcast and recording studios

Musiikkitalo has many broadcast and recording studios, with studio grade acoustics.

Musiikkitalo is centrally located in Helsinki, 25 min from the airport. We facilitate over 1000 productions yearly and make 3 live TV broadcasts weekly for the National Broadcasting Company YLE. Recording made in Musiikkitalo by Enno Mäemets received a Grammy nomination in 2022.

Musiikkitalo recording spaces

  • Concert Hall with 1700 seats including one the biggest concert hall organs in the world
  • Paavo – Second scoring stage and studio, adjustable reverb time with mechanical in-built curtain system
  • Organo – Studio and live room with church 3 organs
  • Camerata – Chamber and Jazz studio and live room
  • Black Box – Studio and live room
  • Sonore – Opera and theatre stage, studio and live room
  • Restaurant – Club – TV studio and live space
Simultaneus broadcast and recording studios in Musiikkitalo.

Concert Hall

Paavo Hall

I loved that hall! It is one of the best new concert halls in the world.

Daniel Barenboim (2016)

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